I've had a bit of a Squeeze-fest in the last few weeks, digging out the brilliant Big Squeeze
As for Domino, it's far from a classic album, but it has some very fine tunes indeed. Whether or not either Glenn Tilbrook or Chris Difford do any of these songs in their solo sets remains to be seen, but I won't be complaining if Glenn drops one of the following into his set when he plays Leeds in October...
MP3: Squeeze - Domino
MP3: Squeeze - Sleeping With A Friend
Buy Domino
I went through Squeeze: Song by Song earlier this year and it was exhausting, but rewarding.
I respect both Difford and Tilbrook so very much. I was glad to see that they reformed for a tour, like the rest of 'em did this year.
I still try to play lotto on the off chance that I will win enough to get the MBs reformed.
sorry if this is duplicate
Squeeze Song by Song. It was exhausting, but so v. rewarding, and the two mostly saw eye to eye.
Funnily enough I bought the same book a few months back - a really fascinating read. Just saw Glenn Tilbrook in Leeds last week - still a brilliant showman, and that fantastic voice is still in great shape.
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